Beccaria, Cesare.. Traité des délits et des peines, traduit de l’italien.
Lausanne, n.p.., 1766Octavo (171x99 mm.), xxiv p., 248 p., [2] leaves, Early XIX century half calf, spine gilt. A very good copy from the library of M. Huvier.First French translation of this pivotal work in the development of modern Criminal Law, unquestionably the major Italian contribution to Enlightenment thought. Beccaria's treatise was first anonymously published in 1764 and spread immediately all around Europe, winning the enthusiastic approval of intellectuals like Voltaire, Diderot, and D'Alembert. Despite the information given on title page, this edition was printed in Paris in December 1765, and had been already announced in August 1765 by D'Alembert in the Gazette littéraire d'Europe.
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