€ 2.500

RIDOLFI, Carlo. Vita di Giacopo Robusti detto il Tintoretto, celebre pittore, cittadino venetiano.

Venice, Guglielmo Oddoni., 1642.

Quarto (227 × 152 mm.). [7] leaves, 93, [3] pages, half-title and one plate. Half-vellum binding with lettering piece on spine, marbled edges. Faint damp stain in the upper white margin; small ink stains at pp. 61-64. Two ex-libris on the front paste-down, “Ex Libris Comitis - Camillo De Grassis” and “Bibliothèque - A & M Moatti”, and a manuscript note about the author. A good copy.

First edition. A biography of the most important Venetian painter of the second half of the XVI century. Since Giorgio Vasari had so often neglected Venetian artists in his Vite, Ridolfi wrote several of their biographies, the first one being Jacopo Tintoretto's. The painter's engraved portrait is present at b4.

Cicognara 2358.

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